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Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post

What I'm using right now are crontab entries that rsync each of my commonly used machines (work desktop, home desktop, laptop) to an always-available server, and then when I switch to a new machine I type a command that rsync's the latest version from the server back over my local copy. But I'd much rather have something built-in that handled all this automatically.

(And, of course, that's what we're planning to do.)
the wording of your solution sounds quite familiar from my *nix days, but thats the past for me now and i never look back ;)

except for a few bugs, i really enjoyed testing omnifocus but i will have to keep on using iGTD simply because it syncs to .mac (and does so flawlessly). itīs one thing that OF does not support .mac-syncing in 1.0, but i am not ready to pay 79,95 if i am not given at least a vague idea *when* it will be implemented.
