Thread: Speed Tests
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iPad 1, 3 GB free space, MobileMe, 300 KB OO file, 10,000 rows in outline

30 seconds to load
60 seconds to close
10 seconds to create row
10 seconds to delete row
10 second to indent row

and entire outline will not smoothly scroll from top to bottom; it scroll to F, loads new rows, scrolls to M, has to load more new rows, etc. This is with an outline that has only one column. I guess this app is not yet capable of heaving lifting. There are memory management issues here. I don't recall OF having these latency problems.

Same test on 4-year-old MBP Duo Core 2 GHz, same wifi network:

3 seconds to load
1 second to close
0 seconds to create row
0 seconds to delete row
0 seconds to indent row

I've waited a year-and-a-half for THIS kind of latency? And no search?

Somewhat disappointing, to say the least.


Last edited by santra; 2011-05-16 at 02:24 AM..