Thread: "back" broken?
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Yahoo is tricky with their ads. I tried to quash them all and got a similar error. I wound up using CSS to whack the ads.

Here's the site CSS I use:

  /* personals, soapcity ad (forms) */
  form[action=""][name^="300x250"] { display: none !important }

  /* text banner */
  div#ymadbn { display: none !important }

  /* mail: logout page page */
  body[bgcolor="#ffffff"] tr[bgcolor="#eeeeee"] td[align="center"][valign="top"] p table[bgcolor="#cadaf8"][width="250"][cellpadding="4"] tbody { display: none !important }

  /* "Sponsored Matches" at the bottom */
  body[bgcolor="#ffffff"] center p table[width="750"] td[width="540"][valign="top"] table[width="100%"][cellpadding="2"] td[valign="top"] table[width="100%"][cellpadding="1"][bgcolor="#999999"] { display: none !important }

  /* yahoo search - sponsored results: updated */
  div#yschres div.yschspns { display: none !important }

  /* yahoo directory - sponsored results */
  div.ydirspns { display: none !important }

  /* floating iframe survey prompt */
  div#yad_win { display: none !important }

  /* sponsored results */
  body div#results div[class="st sr"]:first-child,
  body div#results ul.ovr, body div#east { display: none !important }

  /* ads above grid */
  body > center > p { display: none !important }

  /* grid ads */
  div#ytvMainBody > div.grid_cont ul.grid#oGrid li.adRow {
    display: none !important

  /* ads above programming info */
  body > center > p { display: none !important }

  /* programming info ad and sponsored links */
  div.tabs div.adContainer,
  div.tabs div.tabContainer div#masterdiv { display: none !important }