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I think what you saw ("when I got back to the Mac, none of my changes synced") might be explained by the behavior of the sync code. Whenever you make a change, OmniFocus (on either iPhone or desktop) does a sync a minute later, writing out the changes to the central repository on the iDisk, WebDAV server, or some other disk location and reading in any changes that were deposited by other instances. If OmniFocus is idle (no changes), it will do this every hour just to pull in any changes that might have been made elsewhere. There isn't any mechanism for forcing another instance to pull in the changes immediately except issuing the "sync now" command (cmd-ctrl-S on the desktop, not sure what you do on the phone). So, depending on the relative alignment of the 1 hour idle poll on one machine and when you make changes on another, you may not see the changes on the idle machine for up to an hour unless you force it to sync immediately.