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Originally Posted by jasong View Post
Alex, care to discuss your blog post here? I'm curious about the idea of "contexts" being time-based as well as place- or tool-based.

My concern is that I don't know *when* I might want to do something, and putting something into "today", "next week" and "later" contexts is not very specific to when you *can* do something, as opposed to when you *might* do something.
At some point, you have to know *when* you do something. You are at that point when you decide the next action you will be doing. You will look at your next actions lists, and for each one ask yourself the question "am I going to do this next?"

Instead of going through all your next actions every time you select one, just pick one flagged as "today". How did it get there? Because you put it there, and this is called planning.

Planning is something you do naturally. You do it in your head. You keep track of "what you're planning to do today". What I (or other people here) propose is to dump into the system this information you have in your head.

Originally Posted by jasong View Post
If you only have a "computer" context, surely there's a further breakdown you can make based on applications or behavior you do at the computer? Email, Research, Maintainence.... Instead of thinking "I do everything in front of my computer", think "what tools or mindset do I need to be in when in front of my computer".
I have found that breaking down things this way doesn't help me. I am not deciding what to do next based on whether I feel like doing research or maintenance. I am doing research or maintenance based on whether it makes sense for me to do research or maintenance. And instead of figuring out what makes sense next (research or maintenance?) every time I pick a next action, it makes more sense to capture this output of this thinking into the system.

If today I want to do some research, instead of putting that next action in the "research" context and keeping in my head that I want to do some research today, I put that next action in "today".

Does this make sense?
