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I found the following script which takes flagged actions out of Apple Mail on your mac to your OF inbox. I have set it to run every 15 min via iCal

Full blog post can be found at

script is as follows:

on run

	tell application "Mail"
		repeat with _acct in imap accounts
			--Look For Flagged Messages in the INBOX
			set _acct_name to name of _acct
			set _inbox to _acct's mailbox "INBOX"

			set _msgs_to_capture to (a reference to ¬
				(every message of _inbox ¬
					whose flagged status is true))

			repeat with eachMessage in _msgs_to_capture
				set theStart to missing value
				set theDue to missing value
				set theOmniTask to missing value

				set theTitle to the subject of eachMessage
				set theNotes to the content of eachMessage

				set theCombinedBody to "message://%3c" & message id of eachMessage & "%3e" & return & return & theNotes

				tell application "OmniFocus"
					tell default document
						set newTaskProps to {name:theTitle}
						if theStart is not missing value then set newTaskProps to newTaskProps & {start date:theStart}
						if theDue is not missing value then set newTaskProps to newTaskProps & {due date:theDue}
						if theCombinedBody is not missing value then set newTaskProps to newTaskProps & {note:theCombinedBody}

						set newTask to make new inbox task with properties newTaskProps
					end tell
				end tell

				set flagged status of eachMessage to false

			end repeat

		end repeat
	end tell

end run