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Originally Posted by chrobb View Post
For example, if I ask someone to get back to me in a few days, but it's not imperative that they do so, I'd rather not assign a due date to that. How would I go about reminding myself to ping them about it again? I think the "review" stuff comes into play here, but I've never understood how that works.
I played with the Review system a bit. The problem I see there is that it's only at the Project level, not the individual task level. This doesn't work well for my idea of using this as a tickler for tasks. I also want ticklers to exist at different intervals, so the Review system ain't right.

So, I'm back where I started this morning: in the absence of setting a due date, how do you remind yourself to tickle an item?

To be more concrete, I tend to have tasks that look like this:

"Steve to review router installation parameters"

Let's say this doesn't have a definite due date, or it does have a due date, but I don't want to let the entire discussion languish until its due. Is my only course of action to set a due date, then keep pushing it back, having to remember the "hard" due date? Or can I set up intermediate checkpoints somehow?

How do others handle this?