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Lost perspectives as well.
I will recreate them, the new editor seems much nicer.

I used the "Attachement List", and removed all files. I had a 3Mb pdf file.
Now, OmniFocus on iPhone opens in a few seconds (it would take up to 40 seconds before).
Thank you :-)

I like the new dot badges.
Here is how I am using them:
defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniFocus DueSoonBadge dot
defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniFocus InboxBadge dot
defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniFocus AvailableBadge count
defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniFocus OverdueBadge count

Will have to see over time how convenient it is to have the number of available tasks in front of every project.

