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I love being able to see only the Next Action, but remember, with GTD I only "See" the NAs for the context I'm in.

I'm looking to see the one Next Action in my current context.

After torturing myself with the "Task Relationships" thread, I want you to know, I am NOT looking for task dependencies. I will use linkage or import/export to omniplan to meet that need (as I do today).

I am looking for a way to have a project that is set to show each next action for each context.

This would make me more productive because it allows me to move a project forward in multiple contexts, whereas the the 1 NA per project only default allows me to move one action forward across all contexts. When this restriction is in place, I find myself unable to "trust" my lists of Next Actions because I find that I often have a particular important Project on my mind, and I'm in a particularly limited context, for example, in a car with cell phone, on a plane), and I know I have a phone call I need to make, a document to review, yet the only NA for that project is @Wired. So my mind tries to plan on the fly, build its own lists, and get stressed about what it cannot do and does not know.

An option for 1.0?

