Thread: xmas wishlist
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1) when I highlight multiple contexts in the context view, I cannot sort the listed available tasks anymore (e.g., sort them by due date or start date).

2) I would like an option 'expand all notes' and i would like to it stored whether I see the notes for everything all the time

3) I would like a simple, dummy search whole database feature that, oh wonder, searches for a simple string in all entered data fields across the whole database. Sometimes, I have to find a task quickly to add something (extend the note or attach a file), and I don't want to spend a lot of time finding it wherever it is.

4) there should be a key combo for jumping from 'remaining tasks' to 'available tasks' in the project view inside a project. Often I need to get an overview of the project again before I finish tasks or add some more.

5) I want a filter for 'actable' projects (that is active minus stalled ones)

6) I would like to quickly jump from a task in the context list to the corresponding entry in the task lists (may be in there already, but I simply couldn't find it)

7) the handling of recurring tasks is awkward to say the least. Try the following: have a recurring task, check it off, uncheck it again -> there are now two tasks sitting around.

8) there should be a key combo for leaving the note field other than apple-' for closing the note (e.g., shift-tab).

... anyways, I can't believe that I actually registered just to write this. I love the software, you had my money at 'sneaky peek', I hope you consider some of these points. Thanks.