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My Active perspective is for flagged and available tasks. I keep it at the top to indicate it as the first place should go to when I start "doing" rather than processing.

I use flags to indicate tasks that have one of two characters. One is a general spur-of-the-minute type task that should float as a reminder or tickler. Something like

[Errands] - re-order my monthly medicines (Start on Sunday, Due on Friday, Repeat Monthly)

has a flag. When this task restarts, it automatically appears (as a tickler) in my Active perspective. I don't have to think about setting the flag as I do a Review of tasks in my Health folder (especially when that review may be off-sequence for the given due cycle to re-order my medicines).

The second type is an task that I flag is one that I am actively doing.

My restriction then becomes to

* DO tasks only from my Active perspective
* ASSIGN tasks to be Active (i.e. to do) from all other perspectives

As I DO from Active, I consider the Context. Indeed, I set my Contexts ordered from top to bottom as somewhat a priority sheet and try to work from top to bottom. Once I complete what I can complete in the Contexts that I are viable for where I am, I might decide either to stay Active and work in a different Context (go run my Errands for example). Or I might decide to go ASSIGN and pick another set of tasks in Contexts for where I am.

For me at least, I find this is an easier way to stay in focus. I jump less between DO and ASSIGN mode trying to decide what I should / could / might / will do next. Instead, I can try to stay fully in a DO mode and, once done, I can revert to ASSIGN what next to do.

Admittedly, Active and Forecast could be switched top and next when I am in the ASSIGN mode. But, as you might understand now based on how I work, I would be loath to find that my Active perspective is forced to appear at the bottom of a longer list of pre-built perspectives. I also have a difficult time DOing from Forecast mode. I have learned that, when I have multiple deadlines arise on any given day, I tend to get anxious about or distracted with the long list.

I also work best from the iPad or iPhone, and the inconsistent interface is yet another hesitation to upgrade.