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Originally Posted by Brian View Post
I think this blog post from way back in the day will give you what you want - set up a printing perspective, with a custom page scale set up.

You can even print it straight from the perspectives window - no need to switch your window to the perspective if you don't need to.

Pardon the silly question but refresh me on the "custom page scale set up"?

Where would I set this? I can't see the settings in OmniFocus, and I can't see the settings in my print drivers (Samsung). The defaults that OmniFocus is using are HUGE (even though I'm using 11-point Lucida Grande, the print options look like it's about 24 point), and I can find NO WAY to change this. I frankly use "print to paper" like 1% of the time, but I do regularly use "Print to PDF" to send off a report of status. So a way to scale the ginormosity (that may not be a real word; spell-checker is complaining) of said print preview would be, ummm... sa-weet.