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Originally Posted by jasong View Post
Looking through my current list, I have, in a Single Actions "project":

* Rent 12 Monkeys (Netflix)
* Fix [some broken code] (Code Projects)
* Set up regular meeting with Sarah (People:Sarah)

Perhaps I've decided that I don't really want to see 12 Monkeys right now, but in the future, maybe I will. I would normally put such an action "on hold", but keep it in my "Netflix" context. That way I can look at my "Netflix" context, and use all the features of the View Bar to group and sort the items.

Instead, I have to either change the context to "Netflix On Hold", or change the project to "Single Actions On Hold".

The former loses the context. The latter means having three "Single Action" projects: normal, on hold, dropped.

End of the world?


But it does mean I have to do something "different" with single actions that I don't have to do with projects.

I consider these "workarounds" in the sense they workflow is different for them than for projects. A "single action" should be "a project with one action".

I've argued this before, and some agree, some disagree.

The OmniFolks currently disagree.

I'll live.
What don't you like about slapping a start date sometime in the future on your single actions you want to postpone? No need to change context or project, and you can still see it in the list if you look at remaining actions instead of available ones. I've got similar lists for books, movies, restaurants, and miscellaneous adventures managed in this fashion. It seems to work well enough, but maybe I'm just not realizing how badly it is letting me down :-)

Do you have just one single action list that contains all these bits of life? I get the sense from your earlier posts that you want the single action projects because you see them as completely unrelated, no two the same shape or size, and so lumping them together seems wrong. For me, it seems quite natural to have a movies SAL because the frequency at which I get to actually see them, I can't ever empty the list. The coding action I'd probably want as a project simply because with a little kid under foot, I rarely get to finish anything atomically, so the project makes a handy way to save the context to resume later.

I'm not trying to say that my way is better or anything like that; more like trying to see if your proposed way is better than what I've got now, so I know whether or not to start clamoring for single action projects :-)