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The simple story: I reorder tasks on iPhone; I sync; I open desktop OF, it syncs, but the re-ordering is lost; I reopen OF on iPhone, and the subsequent sync erases the re-ordering and pulls down the incorrect ordering from MobileMe.


Does reordering on the iPhone not work?

I'm using the latest iPhone release (1.0.2); my desktop version is OmniFocus 1.1 sneakypeek (v77.9.0.103547).

1. I'm on my iPhone OF. I make some changes, check some things off, rearrange the order in a project. I sync--twice.

2. I open OF on my Mac. It asks me if it's OK to reopen the database so it can sync. I say OK.

3. The contents of the current project I'm working in look OK, but the order is wrong. Apparently the re-ordering I did on the iPhone did not copy to MobileMe.

4. I go back to my iPhone and open OF. It auto-syncs. The order is now re-arranged to match my desktop OF (and is wrong).

So do I gather from the above that whatever reordering of tasks you do in a project on the iPhone will get lost?