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This is really obscure, but I used OmniGraffle for taking notes and brainstorming A LOT, and I often find myself making an object in OG to represent a task, and then I have to create that task (Action) in OmniFocus. It would be great if there were a way in the future to create an action object in OmniGraffle that would represent an action in OmniFocus, so when it is created it gets added to OF, and when it is deleted it is removed from the OG document. It could just be something simple like "OFAction" as the first line of text in the object, followed by the action name, the project, and the context on the fourth line.

There are only two folders that I have .graffle files in that I would need to do this, so maybe OF could just scan a list of directories for .graffle files with these action objects periodically (or when changes are made using FSEvent) and then update everything.

Haha I won't feel bad if this isn't ever implemented but I thought I would at least suggest it because there might be other people out there like me who use both programs and would benefit from the increase in productivity.

