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Originally Posted by Schlaefer View Post
And you got a TB of RAM in your Mac … how? ;)

I like the idea, but alas OW is already a memory hog with only 15 tabs open.
No doubt, it makes my little Macbook (2 GB RAM) a bit sluggish at times. But if the alternative is that for a substantial fraction of the day I can only work on projects that both don't need internet access and don't need more disk space than I have available on my internal HD, I'll take the sluggishness. It mostly manifests itself when switching to another app that wants to be a memory hog, and whenever I start or close OmniWeb (starting it has to fetch a couple dozen MB of data to fill those tabs, closing I have no idea why it takes so long). I do block out some time each day to try to whittle down the tab count, but it seems like every 3rd tab has links to 7 more topics of interest :-)