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Thanks for your quick reply!

1/ do you use all the same versions as I use ? (except Lion)
2/ I retried today and got no luck - and no error !?
3/ about the IMG tag: I used the "Insert image" button in the edit box and this button added the IMG tags. I checked (by doing an Edit of my message) to verify and it does contain IMG, not I MG tags... So I suppose they are right but they don't show correctly !?
4/ thank you for offering to refund - since you have a great support and I still hope to manage that transfer, I won't ask the be reimbursed for the moment! :-)

Note: when I launch OF, select the project then click the script, OO does launch but without importing the data. However, when I then quit OO and retry clicking the script, nothing happens (OO does not get launched again). I need to quit OF and relaunch it so that when I click on the script, OO is launched... Maybe a related problem? Scripting on Lion has maybe changed more than we think?