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Originally Posted by Schimmi View Post
My script editor crashes when trying to open the script. Can you post the program code or save it in plain text AppleScript?

-- Purpose: To select random action from list
-- NOTE:  Most of the code is borrowed from snarke's "New Task to iCal" script.

-- Display directions

display dialog "Preparation:

1.  Open OmniFocus.
2.  Select (highlight) actions for the list.
3.  Press OK.

A random action will be displayed -- three times.  Choose one and go for it!" with title "Select Random Action from List"

-- Create empty list

set newTaskList to {}

tell application "OmniFocus"
	-- Set variables
	set theDoc to document window 1 of document 1
	set TaskList to the value of the selected tree of the content of theDoc
	-- Add selected tasks to list	
	repeat with theSelectedTask in TaskList
		set newTask to the name of theSelectedTask
		set end of newTaskList to newTask
	end repeat
end tell

-- Display result

repeat 3 times
	display dialog some item in newTaskList
end repeat