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So here's the code I cobbled together from other examples; I made a script that will expand notes of all selected tasks, and if none are selected it expands the notes on all of them.

ell application "OmniFocus"
	--		set note expanded of selectedItem to true
	tell document 1
		tell (first document window whose index is 1)
			-- check to see if there is a selection or not
			set SelectionV to selected trees of content
			--	display dialog (count of SelectionV)			
			if (count of SelectionV) = 0 then
				--display dialog "no selection"
				set SelectionV to trees of content
				-- handle first node
				repeat with i from 1 to (count of SelectionV)
					set note expanded of item i of SelectionV to true
				end repeat
				-- now handle descendants
				set dTree to descendant trees of content
				repeat with i from 1 to (count of dTree)
					set note expanded of item i of dTree to true
				end repeat
				--display dialog "there are selections."
				--		set SelectionV to trees of content
				set SelectionV to selected trees of content
				repeat with i from 1 to (count of SelectionV)
					--		set ItemV to value of item i of SelectionV
					set note expanded of item i of SelectionV to true
				end repeat
			end if
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

Thanks to everyone who posts code here, i couldn't have figured this out without your help.
