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Originally Posted by HappyDude View Post
Okay, i'm back 2 weeks later. I have to say that it didn't work. I changed my contexts and I ended up not really getting work done. Truth is, I need a more firm guide to actually get my things done, such as these context based locations. Looks like i'll be going back to real contexts such as Dorm, Walking, Driving, Phone, etc.
I am now using a mixture of location-based and "mood"-based contexts (focus, detail, rote, bills, daydream). For deciding what to do, I find myself using the Forecast mode on the iPod, along with a Next perspective (bascially, all next actions). I have also discovered the Map based mode on the iPod, and that helps to pull the proper set of actions from the location-based contexts. At any given moment, I select judiciously from Forecast, Next, and Map and flag the topmost actions that will fit the moment. That puts them in to an Active perspective (basically, all currently flagged actions).

One key for me in becoming more productive was to recognize that I have to keep a minimum list of actions in my Active perspective (no more than 4-5). I complete what is there first, then return to my Forecast, Next, Map, and WaitingFor perspectives to select another set of actions to make Active.

So, maybe your contexts are going in the right direction, it is your methodology that needs to be tweaked.

Just a thought.
