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When opening OmniFocus today I was greeted with a dialog-box saying :

"Unable to lock document.

Failed to write lock file. You do not have appropriate access privileges to save file “ .lock” in folder “Wombat HD”."

Looking in the /Applications/Utility/Console.App I find the message

"08 02 11 4:23:07 PM OmniFocus[82111] Presenting modal error: Error Domain=com.omnigroup.OmniFocus Code=2137 UserInfo=0x15839500 "Unable to lock document." {
NSLocalizedDescription = "Unable to lock document.";
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = "Failed to write lock file. You do not have appropriate access privileges to save file \U201c .lock\U201d in folder \U201cWombat HD\U201d.";
NSUnderlyingError = Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 UserInfo=0x15835e00 "You do not have appropriate access privileges to save file “ .lock” in folder “Wombat HD”.";
"com.omnigroup.framework.OmniBase.ErrorDomain.File LineAndNumber" = "/Volumes/Disk/Users/Shared/bungi/ReleaseProduct/Source/OmniGroup/Applications/Focus/App/XML/LockFile.m:177";
} "

No other messages from OmniFocus can be found when searching in the

Any ideas how to get back to a running application? I tried to revert to a backup but I got the same message.
