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Reviewing the many many threads written by people upset about the lack of sync—no Dropbox, no easy iDisk, vague promises for iCloud—rogbar's workaround makes me shudder that people are going to these lengths to get something OmniGroup should be providing.

We've had the ability to sync across ALL platforms with OmniFocus (yes, via Dropbox) for quite awhile now.

Why is it taking SO long to get this functionality into OmniOutliner? Is it characteristic of the fact that EVERYTHING about getting OmniOutliner onto the iPad has taken forever? I guess.

If anyone bothered to cull together all the separate threads written by people who want better sync, I think we'd all be surprised at the amount of interest and annoyance we're all going through.

Frankly, I can't believe that the top dozen new posts are mostly about what I consider to be tiny, inconsequential formatting and functionality issues WHEN WE DON'T EVEN HAVE AUTO BACKGROUND SYNC YET ON THIS APP YET.

Appalling beyond belief.

Edit: I can't believe I rushed to sync my iPad this morning when I saw there was a new OO update, praying Dropbox sync would finally be provided. So so naive of me. And please don't even get me started about security issues. Yes, they had a 4-hour password vulnerability months and months ago, but the lengths they went to investigate, email customers, nail down intrusion risks, provide support was far and away beyond some of the neglect over major issues I've seen from OmniGroup's programming dept. (as much as I generally love the support team here).

So I'll still be taking my Air AND iPad to work every day. iPad OO can't handle my 11,000 line KB outline for work anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Last edited by santra; 2011-09-29 at 01:02 AM..