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Originally Posted by braver View Post
Interesting -- if Forecast becomes a heavy player, then more calendar integration will led to a head-on challenge to Pocket Informant HD. You can't really limit yourself to a week once you start distributing/rescheduling tasks...
This is indeed an interesting point!
Personally, I use Forecast a lot because my tasks are mostly planned to be done 'in a weeek's time' (I make my own planning and usually this means have a list of things that I want to do that week). However, when you're delegating, the Forecast view is perhaps too limited and a full-blown calendar integration might be more useful.
To me, Forecast is a good mode to see your own tasks, while the context view (and mostly; the perspectives view) seems to be more suitable for bigger overviews, in which the absolute time-frame is less important.
(however, Im not really delegating yet, so perhaps Im seeing this wrong) :)
Also, I like to not clutter my calendar with tasks because it takes the focus away from what my calendar tells me: my appointments.

What do other people think, is full-blown calendar integration something that people use in their daily GTD/OF-routine?