Thread: dot -> web
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I've been using graphviz very successfully to get useful graphs into Omnigraffle. There are two things that I'd like to do, though.

Firstly, it would be good to set the arrangement so that the graph is scaled to fit a standard web page - that is a long, thin, orientation. It is possible to get there, with rotation and with manual movement of the elements, but it would be great to be able to define the output as a web page and have it scale properly.

Secondly, I'd like all nodes to become active links to defined URLs. Is there any way to achieve this, using the dot notation? Alternatively, is there an easy way to define a set of links from a graph so that each entry has a defined URL?

I'd like to use graphs as a front-end navigation tool, but it is a bit fiddly at the moment. The sort of thing that I'd like to be able to do would be:

digraph example {
nodeA{} -> nodeB{};

and have it draw the two nodes as a web page with the links as shown.

Any chance of achieving this?

Actually, I'm wanting this as a way of navigating documents on my desktop, not just the web, so it is a general interface that I'm looking for.

Any ideas?