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Originally Posted by Smithcraft View Post
In this case, with the SP builds, that is still a poor implementation.

First, just because Apple does something a certain way doesn't mean that it is right for every company to do things in that way.
I'm just telling you how it works, not whether I agree with it or not. Fwiw, this is how OmniGroup's update check has always worked - the changes they have implemented so far are an UI for downloading the latest update, and a background process for installing it. Part of our use of the OmniWeb and Omnifocus alphas is to test this new implementation as well. There are evidently some issues with it in terms of its reliability and how well it functions with the sneaky peek release schedule but, as Vician has written, ultimately the way it does work (assuming reliability is improved) will be more than fine for the beta and stable releases. It is just a case of whether or not OmniGroup are willing enough to expend more development time on the updater to make it more useful for the sneakypeek process.

Edit: While we're on the subject of improvements that could be made, I personally dislike the way the mounting of the disk image is hidden from the user. Especially as it sometime fails to unmount cleanly. E.g. r90262 didn't successfully install for me and now I can't delete the download as the disk image is in use... but it doesn't show up in the Finder or in Disk Utility. However, it does show up in /Volumes in Terminal. I'll have to log out or restart to be able to delete it.

Last edited by JKT; 2007-08-17 at 11:47 PM..