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Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
There is definitely a bug in the sort by Next Review setting. I'm not sure what it is sorting by, perhaps last review? Using Help --> Send Feedback to report the bug.
Thanks. As I've said, I'm more inclined to think I'm misunderstanding than I am to think it's a bug. I'll definitely report!

The group-by heading work the same for Next Review as all the other time based headings. You get Today, Yesterday/Tomorrow, Last/Next Week, Last/Next Month, and so on.

What's your trigger for reviewing a project? Why not wait until it shows up as Review Today instead for trying to review it in advance? Then the stuff with a three day review interval will get reviewed more frequently as you wish.
I'm just going through and re-vamping so I flew through a bunch of past due reviews and blew past everything prior to "within the next week". I should be fine with Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow moving forward.

I'm trying to move away from using start dates. I found that as I was using start dates to hide things until I thought I might be ready to do them, more often than not, they'd show up and I wouldn't be ready for them. It was a continual parade of things showing up when their start date hit and then getting a new future start date. I'm not working on much that has true due dates, just trying to get a bunch of stuff done that I want to get done. Therefore I've had less of a sense of urgency than I'd like.

My thought is that by limiting what I see to what I think I can get done in a few days and doing a review every few days, I'll be motivated to complete more. I figured with the flexibility of the review date intervals and the built in ways to deal with grouping, sorting (but not so much I guess) and marking as reviewed, this could be a good solution.

When I was working regularly on a system hooked up to a large monitor, I could deal more with seeing more of my projects/actions that weren't as important. But since I've moved back to working on a small MBP, I am trying to find ways to cut down the clutter and let it back in at a trickle when I want to.