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Originally Posted by Omni Clint View Post

1) Some actions actually support multiple goals. The "learn spanish" project might help me both with "Build better relationship with employees" as well as "Enhance target marketing in Mexico". If Omnifocus had tagging I could see a way to tag the same action with multiple goals but alas. I don't know how i'd resolve this issue in the way it works now. Each project can only be shown in one folder. each action can only be in one project. Any ideas?
Well, you could sort of handle this after a fashion. Make a duplicate "Learn Spanish" project where you need it. In the notes for the duplicate project, put a link to the one true "Learn Spanish" project, wherever you've stashed it. You can make such a link by selecting the project, right-clicking and selecting Copy As Link. Paste it into the notes field of the duplicate project(s) for quick access to the real project. You can even use the link from other applications. When you click on it, OmniFocus will open (if it isn't already open) and you'll get a new window focused on the project. You'll want to put all of the actions in the real project, I think. You can do the same thing with individual actions, too.

Now, how is this actually going to help you? Won't having the project in one place provide sufficient motivation to get it done? What's your vision for how having the same project appear in more than one place is going to make your life appreciably better?