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I consider myself an intermediate-level user, but this is annoying the heck out of me.

I've titled the project "Health." The context is "Doctor." My intention is that when I list a new doctor's appointment as an action under my Health project, I want it to show up under the Doctor context.

I've a follow-up appointment under which I placed several sub-actions (e.g., call for the appointment, review notes). I've used the Inspector panel over and over to confirm that the Project is correctly listed as "Health" and the Default Context is correctly listed as "Doctor." But I cannot get the appointment to appear under my "Doctor" context when I view by that mode.

I've tried changing the Default Context to see if the project will then show up elsewhere, and nothing works. It doesn't appear ANYWHERE under the Context mode.

I've tried keying in a new Action (a fake doctor's appointment), for which I listed "Health" as the project and "Doctor" as the context, and this showed up in the context view without any problem.

Since that worked, I even tried REENTERING the entire doctor's appointment and it's remaining sub-action. It's keystroke for keystroke the same as my original that doesn't show up. And the duplicated project/action don't show up under the Doctor context either.

Feedback and insights will be greatly appreciated.