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Originally Posted by Peachpit View Post

When I export a project and then open the resources' .ics files in Entourage, I see just one "to-do" when I know that the resource has multiple tasks.

Also, when I open an .ics file in iCal, I see all the tasks as to-dos, not events. Can I tweak a setting in iCal to make these display as events (on the calendar itself)? If so, I couldn't figure it out.
Clearly Entourage has some support for importing .ics files, but it sounds pretty quick and dirty so far. If it imports events as to-dos and only gets one of many given a file that works fine in iCal (and Outlook?), it's pretty hard to imagine just what I can do about it. That said, after a ridiculous amount of tweaking I managed to get output that worked in Outlook without breaking iCal, so maybe there's a magic formula that will make Entourage happy. If someone can produce a .ics file with events that import properly into Entourage, I'd be happy to have a look to see if we can match its format better. Better yet, one file w/ events, one w/ to-dos.

If nobody can do it, well, looking into this issue will probably have no result beyond making me grumpy.
