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Originally Posted by kmarkley
Finally, I would also like better handling for action groups with no remaining actions. I frequently loose sight of a project because an un-checked action group is preventing other actions from becoming available. I usually catch it during my weekly review, but a week is a long time to forget about a project.

I run my Verify Next Actions Exist script as part of my evening and morning reviews for exactly this reason.* I think it would work to have the action group header show up as an action in the context view when all of its children were completed. Then I could either check it off, or else use Show in Project View to add another next action. The one significant drawback is that if the action group isn't legitimately actionable, then my context view is polluted with non-actionable items.

* Sorry to keep plugging my scripts. I'm starting to feel like I should get a plaid jacket. "Welcome to Crazy Eddies! What do I need to do to get you to download a new script today!"
