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Never mind, I was right, it was something simple and silly. I had forgotten to link against the Apple libraries that are dependencies for the omni frameworks.

For future reference, in case anyone else is having similar problems setting up the Omni frameworks to work in an iPad project using XCode 4, the steps I followed were:

- Turn off parallelized builds and implicit dependencies on the Build section of your active scheme

- Add the following projects as children of your project: OmniUnzip, OmniFileStore, OmniAppKit, OmniQuartz, OmniFoundation, OmniBase, OmniUI

- Using Manage Schemes, add all the schemes with "Touch" in the name

- Build all the omni projects, leaving OmniUI to last (OmniUnzip must be built before OmniFileStore)

- On your project, go to your build target, and build phases, then link against the following libraries:

- All the omni libraries you just built (*.a files, not *.frameworks. You may want to use add other to make sure you get the actual libraries you just built. I had trouble with it identifying the incorrect paths to the libraries when I used the ones that were already in the list)

- libz.dylib
- ImageIO.framework
- AssetsLibrary.framework
- SystemConfiguration.framework
- Security.framework
- libxml2.dylib
- MobileCoreServices.framework
- QuartzCore.framework
- CoreText.framework

I also link against the followiung, but I was linking against them anyway, so I'm not sure if they're dependencies for Omni, or just for my project. Some of them are always dependencies for iPad anyway:

- UIKit.framework
- Foundation.framework
- CoreGraphics.framework
- MessageUI.framework

Once all that is done, your project should hopefully build.