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I don't think " strict GTD" requires linear thinking at all , actually the book teaches " the natural plannning model " and if you've been to any of David's seminars or heard his cd's he talks about " not limiting yourself to outline style planning " ..

I've been travelling a similar road for the past 10 years starting with Franklin Quest [pre franklin-covey ] Ascend 97 ; )

Omni focus is the greatest tool I've found for GTD so far for two reasons [ymmv]
The Review feature [something I struggle with making myself do ]

and Curt's " verify next action exists " script

I am very good at capturing thoughts , projects , actions etc ..
I'm also very good at leaving them dry up and die on my action lists

Forcing myself to review my active projects and verify that nothing is sitting on my active list without a next action in place , have been a real boost to my productivity .

Personally , I think the verify next actions script should be baked into the review feature changes if they ever happen ?