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Originally Posted by brianogilvie View Post
I think that's a great idea. (I'd like to see inherited due dates represented like flags, by dimming the data, anyway.) Maybe the soon or overdue date could also be boldfaced to make it more noticeable?
Maybe some work needs to be done on what kind of style features indicate what types of information about a task. The reason I say that is that if we want inherited task dates to be identified (which I definitely do), then it would seem to make sense to indicate as the inherited flags are, by dimming. But then if the date is soon or overdue, it would become boldfaced. Are OF trying to encode too much information in ways that are too similar? Would a dimmed, boldfaced task due date be distinguishable? Would it be recognizable as carrying those two different pieces of information about the task?

There are currently five style characteristics:
  1. color - state with regard to time (overdueness), next-action-ness, singleton-ness, and availability (grey).
  2. bold - status as a project or action group
  3. italic - availability to be acted upon
  4. dimmed - value is inherited, or action is unavailable
  5. size - status as banner or outline element
Laid out like this, I can see that there is some duplication and ambiguity of function in and among these styles.

Another consideration is that bold, italic, and dimmed are binary, implying that they should be used for binary values. Color and size are not, so they could be used for things that have a range of values.


Last edited by eronel; 2007-11-12 at 06:50 AM..