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You'll be shocked, I'm sure, to hear that I have almost the completely opposite reaction!

While I'm happy to use the OmniFocus iPhone app on my iPod touch, there is very little I can do on the iPod that I cannot do at least as well on the iPad (in general, not just OmniFocus). The larger size is much easier on eyes and fingers, and the battery lasts longer. I've never minded carrying the MacBook around if that was the device I needed, but it isn't so good for using while actually walking around, whereas the iPad works pretty well (iPod not so much due to the small size). Yes, there is some heavy lifting stuff that is much easier on the MacBook, but most of that I don't do away from home base, at least in part because it requires more concentration and focus.

I've always been willing to carry my MacBook with me nearly everywhere, so carrying the more compact iPad is no big imposition, and I can use it for much longer without access to an electric outlet. WiFi range isn't as good as the MacBook, but it usually isn't a problem.

OmniGraffle and OmniGraphSketcher see somewhat more use on the iPad than the Mac for me because I often use them to demonstrate some concept to my 7-year-old when doing his homework or talking about what he learned in school while we are going somewhere in the car (no, I don't Graffle while driving, someone else is driving!) I can just tap the OG or OGS button and be drawing almost instantly, whereas the Mac is tethered to another monitor and other hardware, not conveniently located for side by side use with another person, and so on.

I guess it mostly boils down to whether or not having the iPad with you most of the time works for you (see also "the camera you have with you takes better pictures than the one left at home"). I've only briefly been seen without mine since 9AM April 3rd.

As for ice cream flavors, let's say my kid has 10 friends over and the topic of ice cream comes up. When I ask what flavor everyone wants, if there are 9 different answers, no one will get any ice cream, most likely. If 7 of the kids want the same reasonable flavor (in other words, something I'll eat), then I may walk over to the store and get it. Right now, we're all talking about our favorite flavors, Omni is waiting for us to come to a consensus, but even once we do, we'll have to wait for one of the adults to be available to drive to the store :-)