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A simplified script with minimal messages might look like:

tell application "OmniFocus"
	tell front document
		tell document window 1
			set oTrees to selected trees of content
			if length of oTrees > 0 then
				set oTask to value of first item of oTrees
				set lngMinutes to estimated minutes of oTask
				if lngMinutes > 720 then
					display dialog "Maximum Minuteur period is 12 hours"
						if lngMinutes is missing value then
							set strHMS to my MinuteurString(lngMinutes)
							tell application "Minuteur"
								StartCountdown strHMS
							end tell
						end if
					end try
				end if
			end if
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

on MinuteurString(lngMinutes)
	set strHoursLeft to (lngMinutes div 60) as string
	if length of strHoursLeft < 2 then
		set strHoursLeft to "0" & strHoursLeft
	end if
	set strAdditionalMins to (lngMinutes mod 60) as string
	if length of strAdditionalMins < 2 then
		set strAdditionalMins to "0" & strAdditionalMins
	end if
	return strHoursLeft & strAdditionalMins & "00"
end MinuteurString