Thread: Eye Candy
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Originally Posted by tedhogan View Post
I would like to see you incorporate more eye candy in the UI. Now that the interaction is amazingly solid, how about adding some of that beauty that certain apps nail? Perhaps some textures and animations to alter the look and feel to a more paper based style. Contacts and Calendar have the type of look that comes to mind. The page turning in iBooks also comes to mind
Oh god no.. Please don't go down the route of style over substance..

Why do so many apps feel they have to look like an old paper book or a wooden desk when the iPad offers so much more? Haven't they heard of progress, of actually using the tech to it's best effect?

To continually try and emulate low tech is like saying you'd rather cross the atlantic on a steam boat rather than a 777. Perhaps they'd rather have a witch doctor treat them with leeches rather than take an aspirin?

Ok, that's a silly example but the point is we have a cutting-edge touch screen ui and the potential for all sorts of new user experiences to make life easier so why the preoccupation with looking like outdated 'tech'..?