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Hmm, not sure this isn't a bug rather than a feature request.

If I click on the "-" (which is set as enabled) to remove the www.*.com shortcut, nothing happens - no error or beep. But if I edit the shortcut content to blank all fields and then click on the minus, it gets rid of the shortcut!

Not sure why the "-" was enabled if I couldn't remove the entry, and not sure why blanking the entry would make removal work, but never mind - I have the result I wanted.

I still think this is a valid bug/feature request - yes, you can develop workarounds, but it's still pretty presumptuous to push users towards .com domains and not give them the ability to easily rectify this (whether this is due to a bug or design decision).

As I said before, this meant that a .com site I have no desire to visit would appear in autocomplete before a .org or site with the same name that I visit regularly, which makes it extra effort to view anything outside the US-centred Big Money internet sites.