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I do not remember if I have posted something about this before or not. If I did, it was quite a while ago, and I know that there is work being done on the keychain, so I thought I'd put this up for a feature request.

Support for multiple user/password combinations for a given website. Safari supports this for certain and it's lovely. There are certain websites that I have multiple accounts for (gmail, for example), and OmniWeb only provides one option for a username/password on these sites.

What's worse IMHO, is that it doesn't remember the last used, but seems to pick the username/password pair on some other criteria, (alphabetical? order created? I haven't figured it out.)

The way Safari handles this is quite slick. It gives you one of the pairs by default, but if you change the username to something that is in the KeyChain, it offers to autocomplete it for you while typing, and if you do, the password is updated in the password field.

Thank you for your time.