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I set quite a few tasks to pending, and every once and a while I have the feeling that something should be active that isn't. I've had this feeling three times, and each time I was correct: there was a pending task that should be active that isn't. All the settings are correct (ie. the task has a context, the date is set correctly, etc), and I can verify this through the horrible solution that I've found. Basically, to get these tasks to activate, I have to restart OmniFocus. As soon as I restart it, I get the growl notifications saying that the task has become active.

It's infuriating, but more than that, it causes OF to lose its 'trusted system' status. I need to be able to rely on those start dates. I went through the effort to set them because they're important.

I sent an email to tech support, and they just told me to make sure the project wasn't stalled. I know for certain it wasn't stalled because because it activates when I restart OF.

Has anyone else experienced this? I've rebuilt my database several times, but I this problem keeps popping up.

It's terrifying to be losing trust in OF. In other ways it's been great at keeping me on track.

Here's a screenshot of OF not activating a task.