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I am also getting this error.

When I enter our CalDAV (DAViCal) server in OmniPlan -> Preferences -> Accounts and I press "Test" A green "Account verified." message appears. All seems well.

Then, for a specific project, i.e., a specific .oplx file, I go to Project -> Configure Publishing & Subscriptions... and then I click the "+" and, in the pop-up selection box, under Subscribe, I click "free/busy times from Calendar Server". Then, in the "Server Account" drop-down box I click the CalDAV server I mentioned in the previous paragraph. Then a list of project resources pops up, with their emails. One of these resources has a calendar on the CalDAV server with a matching email address, and this resources is automatically highlighted. Beautiful. I click "OK". I click Project -> Publish and all seems okay -- it appears to publish everything to the OmniSync Server, which I also have set up and is working just fine.

Then I lay down a "Project -> Update" and a little sheet slides down with a progress bar that first says "Sync with OmniPlan server repository" as usual, then it says "Get free/busy times from Calendar Server". And then the sheet slides up and another slides down saying "An error occurred while updating. unknown CalDav error" And that is that.

Aside from that -- which a very bad error because we currently have to set the schedule for every resource for every project manually and it's a terrible thing -- I have another question: How does one *actually set* the free/busy times on the server? Resources often have multiple calendars set up on the server, so which one is actually read?