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I've always taken the opinion, that Multiple contexts are a trap.

First, if something can be done in multiple contexts, it just doesn't matter. Pick one. The tickets? You're going to buy them online, unless the internet is broken. Then you'll use the phone.

Second, Cliff, you're totally right about slicing things too thin (as a method of procrastination.) It's something we all should keep in mind.

Last, while you physically could be at multiple contexts (I'm in front of my laptop as I type this. I'm technically at the following contexts (for me):
Laptop, Internet, email, phone (cause it's right here.)

But I specifically, decide for 10 (or more minutes) I'm going to only work on one context or one project. It's like using the Focus button on the taskbar in OmniFocus.

I can only, truly, do one thing at a time. (And yes, as hard as it is to admit, there is no such think as multitasking.)