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Originally Posted by BwanaZulia View Post
I will say, after using OmniFocus for 6 months or so (and importing maybe a years worth of stuff into it) that pop up window is not fast. It takes 2-3 seconds on my 24" iMac Core Duo.

I hope OmniGroup is working on making sure OmniFocus and scale for the next 2-5 years of use.
I've had the same experience with similar queries. In general, I think performance could use some work. OmniFocus doesn't feel terribly slow, but it is a bit sluggish with my data. And if I try to do a search across all items (including completed projects), it takes several seconds. That may not sound like much time, but I've been spoiled by other apps, including Spotlight, that seem to be able to search across much more data in a fraction of that time.

I really hope Omni can do some performance tuning for the next release.