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Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
In the meanwhile, if you want to check that there are no midnight starts, you can do a search and replace with applescript.
Or maybe there are new ways to change default start time?
Something like this, for example:

-- Find and replace start dates
-- Edit properties below (integers in range 0 - 24 for hours, 0 - 60 for minutes)

property pFindHours : 0
property pFindMins : 0

property pReplaceHours : 6 -- Desired start (hours)
property pReplaceMins : 0 -- Desired start (mins)

on run
	tell application id "com.omnigroup.omnifocus"
		tell default document
			set lstTasks to (flattened tasks where start date is not missing value)
			set lngChanges to 0
			repeat with i from 1 to length of lstTasks
				set dteStart to start date of item i of lstTasks
				tell dteStart
					if (its hours = pFindHours and its minutes = pFindMins) then
						set {its hours, its minutes} to {pReplaceHours, pReplaceMins}
						set start date of item i of lstTasks to dteStart
						set lngChanges to lngChanges + 1
					end if
				end tell
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
	display dialog (lngChanges as string) & " start dates changed from  " & PadNum(pFindHours, 2) & ":" & PadNum(pFindMins, 2) & ¬
		" to " & PadNum(pReplaceHours, 2) & ":" & PadNum(pReplaceMins, 2) with title "Find & Replace Start Time"
end run

on PadNum(lngNum, lngDigits)
	set strNum to lngNum as string
	set lngGap to (lngDigits - (length of strNum))
	repeat while lngGap > 0
		set strNum to "0" & strNum
		set lngGap to lngGap - 1
	end repeat
end PadNum
Could anyone kindly provide me with an instruction on how to adjust the start time using this script?