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Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
I do, however, strongly recommend FoldingText, which has a much richer scripting interface (now available in the AppStore version as well as in the DEV versions) and generally has much more power and potential than TaskPaper did. I think it will develop into a platform for quite a rich ecosystem of add-ons.
Since I am editing on an android system I do not care what I use since I can not use Folding Text since there are no versions for Android. I use a plain editor and just work with the data.

The difference that I noticed when exporting things was that the previous script had dates, and that was missing from the export for Folding Text.

What I am trying to do is adjust the system to using an Android phone, I do not want to PRINT the data and mark up PDF's to enter it back I want it to be a bit more fluid.

Now if I can edit the data on Android and bring it in to Folding Text to convert to OmniFocus I will be willing to give it a try. It would be a pain to use another program though to just convert the data.

I will also look at the Github and examine the scripts in detail, while I am no where close to you... I might be able to make sense of them and see if I can extend / maintain them.

BTW: In case I have not said it before, thank you very much for creating this.