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Originally Posted by marshallj View Post
It would be nice to be able to show all the actions that have an on hold context (i.e. unactive actions) within project mode so I can see everything I'm waiting for within a large project.
There's no way to just show actions with on-hold contexts from project mode. But here are some ideas that might help:
  • In Context mode, you might try adjusting the View Bar like so: Set the Show Context lozenge (the first one) to "On Hold". Set the second lozenge to Group by Project. Set the fourth lozenge to Show Actions with Status Remaining. Now you have a view showing all the actions from on-hold contexts, grouped by project. You can save that view as a perspective if you find it useful (Perspectives → Save Window as New Perspective).
  • In project mode, you can add the Context column. If your on-hold contexts are named consistently (like "Waiting For, Fred" or "OH, Paris") then you could scan down the Context column to find the actions.
  • You've probably noticed this, but for completeness I'll mention it. "Blocked" actions show up in a lighter gray color. Blocked actions belong to on-hold contexts, have future start dates, or come sequentially after such actions. So, you can scan for light gray actions in Project mode to narrow down the list.

Hope that helps.
