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Originally Posted by vocaro View Post
Doesn't that break the definition of folders? They're supposed to be "areas of responsibility", not projects to complete.
The top level item, "Edit Home Movies", isn't really a distinct project with a focused goal. I see it more as a collection of projects, which fits better with OmniFocus' folder concept. If you want to broaden it into an "area of responsibility", you could call it "Media Production" or "Home Studio" or whatever you like. The point is that each movie is a project, and a series of movies is a collection of individual projects. And a collection translates best into a folder.

Originally Posted by vocaro View Post
It's no more complicated than putting them into folders. And it's quite natural, at least to me, for larger projects to have sub-projects and even sub-sub-projects. [snip] I think this simply reveals a limitation of OmniFocus.
I agree that it's sometimes helpful to break things up. But the simple fact of the matter is, for better or worse, OmniFocus doesn't currently support nested projects (i.e. sub-projects), only action groups.

But I've found that breaking my larger projects into individual OmniFocus projects and then grouping/organizing them with folders to show relationships works better than trying to force action groups to be something they're not.

The only advantage to nested sub-projects that I can think of is the ability to create dependencies. For example, when one project needs to be completed before the next can begin. With the individual projects and folders approach, you'd have to manage such dependencies manually by placing the dependent project on hold until ready.

If you don't want to try the project/folder organization approach, I'd suggest sending feedback to Omni Group and make a formal feature request (Help->Send Feeback...).