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Originally Posted by ReeEs View Post
I also struggle with the whole way due dates are set up. I currently have three sections at the beginning of the projects sidebar that just list the projects I have to remember to work on daily (for indefinite periods of time -- like exercise, etc) and then upcoming projects with a due date that I have to remember is coming up) These lists just state the project and when it's due and if I want to know more details about the project, I have to go into a separate category. A lot of this would be taken care of by the system you suggest.
There's no reason why you need to do the remembering to work on those daily tasks, as OmniFocus can do that job for you. Make a single action list that has all of those tasks, setting repeat intervals as appropriate for each task, call it Daily Routine or whatever strikes your fancy. If you like using due dates, set a due date for each action; I prefer to use start dates in conjunction with a perspective that will show newly available actions (context mode, group by start, available actions, close the groups for other than start today and save as a perspective).