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For strict databased apps, I've found Tap Forms to be reasonable and nicely done. It might work for what you need, and it provides nice iPod/iPad options. Unfortunately, I am not able to generate a URL field in the desktop database, for example as a way to generate a call back to an Omnifocus task in the equivalent of omnifocus:///task/jPjrPBY-hgj ... . I've posted a request about this to its Forum. You could also always go full-bore with Filemaker Pro as needed. FWIW, Tap Forms has more to offer than Bento.

Another alternative that you may find helpful, although it is not a strict database app, is Curio. It does allow links back and forth, has project management tools, and supports internal access to Evernote. Curio does not have iPod/iPad versions.

As alternatives or supplements to the Finder, many folks on this forum seem to be using DevonThink. I also have played around with Leap.
