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I remember reading a blog post about one lady who had a red cap on. She told her co-workers that if she had her red cap on, it made her feel focused on whatever she was doing.

It was her signal to tell others "uh-oh... she's got her thinking cap on. Don't bother her."

I know that we often get overwhelmed with our tasks and hope that we can find some way that some software tool will better manage our system. Sometimes we just have to limit the flow of information and the flow of demands. The only thing we can do is try to set a pattern of behaviors. Some may call you quirky or weird but they'll soon catch on and let you have your odd behavior.

It suits me fine now that I don't get bothered as much.

Sometimes pressure is good but other times it can detrimental to your productivity and health. Everyone else thinks that their stuff they're giving you is the most important thing in the world and everyone else can just shove it.