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I used to own Pocket Informant (PI) for Windows Mobile, and remember how awesomely it integrates TODOs and Calendar. Now it's available for iPhone!

The TODOs in GTD mode look strikingly similar to OmniFocus. But the integration into Calendar really rocks. Say what you may about GTD using Calendar in a special way, when you see PI, you feel much more in control of the whole time/todo flow.

Now they're saying that direct-to-desktop sync is being discussed with several Mac leaders, including Things and Omni. Omni guys: 'fess up! :) I'd love to see PI/iPhone sync to OF/Mac.

Furthermore, I have a feeling the PI will be a direct competitor for OF on the iPhone. PI/iPhone basically has all the same features as OF/iPhone, plus the deep Calendar integration.

Last edited by braver; 2009-11-05 at 02:44 PM..